House Painting In Austin TX
Painting a room in Austin TX, or even the whole house, is one of the jobs that Do-It-Yourself painters are most encouraged to do for themselves. It is a job that seems simple right? But the truth is that painting has its art, and there is no shortage of knowledge that a professional painter has accumulated over the years, not to mention the technique, which is not studied or acquired overnight.
1. Landslides
The paint tends to crack, and the edges come off curving outwards. If it’s the ceiling, flaky paint chips may fall off.
2. Ampoules
The appearance of blisters, such as small air bubbles, on the surface of the already dried paint, can be a consequence of several problems.
The first is an excess of humidity, either because we have applied it to a plaster that was not completely dry, or because the wall itself is undergoing a leak or humidity due to capillary action.
In the latter case, in addition to the moisture itself, efflorescence, which is the capillary salt deposits, also cause blisters.
Painting & Staining Austin TX
3. Stains
In exterior walls, they may appear spots, even in areas where neither water nor the sun touches the wall. These stains are usually due to dust particles and suspended pollution. Where they concentrate is determined by the wind as it opens to surround the building on both sides. Rough surfaces tend to “pluck” more particles out of the wind, making stains more common on them. The only thing we can do in this case is to clean from time to time with pressurized water.
4. Fissures
The cracks in the paint may be due to an excessively fast drying, but can also occur by small wall movements. In this case, the problem would not be the painting itself, although it would be through it as we would realize. The dynamic cracks around the doors, for example, are a characteristic example.

5. Microorganisms
The fungi and other microorganisms preferably proliferate in humid places and poorly ventilated. They are easily recognizable. They appear as small brown spots on the paint. In the most extreme cases, they darken and acquire a texture like cotton candy.
6. Pitch Differences
The differences in tone when the paint has already dried are any indication, almost always, that we have painted on two types of material without priming well before. If we paint on a wall in which we have made certain repairs with plaster, for example, and the plaster of the wall and the plaster that we have used have different absorption factors (which would be normal), the most absorbent material “will be drunk” the paint, offering a duller shade than the less absorbent material. That is why it is essential to always prime before painting a wall.